when the boys of summer have gone...
Just in case you haven't noticed it is playoff time in the world of MLB. That means summer is over. Here comes the rain again. Yada yada yada.
Of course I live for this time of year. The days are shorter which has distinct advantages for someone who is used to staying up late and sleeping in. Of course I shouldn't sleep quite as late as I do. The good news is I had my blood drawn yesterday so I will go in and pick up my meds either today or tomorrow. Hopefully I won't feel as sore and crappy and can get out of bed at a decent hour once I'm back on everything the way I'm supposed to.
Well, I have drill once again this weekend. Not sure how much I am looking forward to that, but this is either 2nd or 3rd to last for me. Not sure if January's drill will be before the 6th which is my last day on contract, for sure! Let's just hope Bush doesn't pick a fight with Il (or vice versa) in the mean time.
So what will I do with all these free weekends next year? Maybe I'll do more photography. I know there were a few weekends it prevented me from taking advantage of weather and opportunity over the past EIGHT years! Oh by the way, thanks to everyone who took the time to leave comments on the B&W photographs. I think I have the three picked out. Final judgment will depend on how well they look printed out of course. I'll leave them up a couple more weeks so you all can weigh in if you haven't done so yet!
I've been getting lots of responses on Craigslist for various things, a couple potential roommates, several people wanting pictures taken, but hardly anybody responds to the mortgage services ad. Odd. It is probably the best looking one I have too! I guess it is just not the kind of place people go looking for that kind of thing.
It would be really weird if I do better at photography than loans, but perhaps that would explain so much that remains enigmatic about me (to myself primarily, but perhaps to those who know me as well). I mean I had someone new ask me why the heck I am still single again. I don't get asked that very often, but usually it is semi-accusatory.
Either there is something wrong with being single or I am one of those people who are just too damn picky! I don't mind them thinking that if it helps them sleep at night. Of course when they say "too picky" it usually is a character flaw. One of my cousins called it "looking for a trophy wife" which paints a rather ugly picture.
Truth be told, I only find myself attracted to a modest 35-50% of the women I meet for a variety of reasons (and please give me the benefit of the doubt on those!). When I was younger the only factor to consider after that was if they liked you back (which eliminated at least 65% right away and the majority of the remainders--for one reason or another--I never found out in time to do anything about it). However, the older I get the higher the odds are that they are already in a serious relationship. That eliminates about 80% these days--not that some wouldn't be willing to forget all about that temporarily, but I don't feel like going there just yet! Then to the remaining 20% apply the 65% rule mentioned above and you are left with around 2.4 - 3.5% opportunity rate. Multiply that by my 99% failure-to-capitalize-on-the-opportunity rate and you should start to see why I am still single at the STILL modest age of 29!
Now while all of that was very interesting it isn't really the point of this post. What was the point…? Maybe I should rewrite it. Nah, there is some decent stuff here even if it is random and pointless.
Oh, enjoy "Tiny Vessels" from DCFC.
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