here's to strange, confusing dreams...
Sometimes dreams are entirely absurd but don't you occasionally have those ones that are seemingly so close to reality that they seem plausible at the time? Last night I had one of those. I don't remember all the details so you will have to bear with me if I just hit some of the main points.
This one somehow featured someone from my childhood, not as a character of presence, but more of a character of reference. I think there was some confusion because in the dream I thought she was supposed to be in one place but she turned up someplace else.
I think the only reason she even popped up on my radar was that her name came up in a sitcom the night before and I was probably subconsciously feeling guilty that it didn't make me think about her at the time.
So here's to dreams. We can't control them, we never understand them, why bother mentioning them at all except as footnotes along the way...
Colin Hay can maybe put it better than I... "I Just Don't Think I'll Ever Get Over You."
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