01 March 2009

the end of an era...

So I am sitting at home grubbing on ice cream and enjoying a quiet Sunday evening before starting my first week of not-night-shift in a very long time (well, starting Tuesday). How do I feel about this? Well, it's been the focus of my attention for as long as I can remember to get off night shift, but now that it's here it seems very weird. I don't know what it will be like to work right along-side some of the day and swing shifters and have so many people underfoot all the time, but chances are it will be just fine. Yet change is still change and I'm not entirely certain what my job will look like until i settle into it for a few weeks.

So in the spirit of being thankful for having a job in uncertain times, here's a happy tune for you all to enjoy as much as I do.


100 Yard Dash

Raphael Saadiq
The Way I See It


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