23 May 2007

on why those in the dental profession are so...


So I went to see my new dental hygienist today. I probably should preface that by saying that I've known her for years, but since I am new to town, our relationship is taking a new form. Both my dentist and her are members of my old reserve unit that I've known for quite some time. Of course we've only known one another professionally, not, uh, professionally.

For those of you who don't know, and I don't imagine any of you could, I am basically the worlds biggest chicken when it comes to the dentist. I'd much rather ignore my oral health entirely until it kills me. Maybe I don't really mean that, but let's at least say that I am conflicted about it.

So a few months ago I was referred to their office and promised it would be a pleasant experience. Compared to what you say (and don't you love the McCann/Claypool reference)? Well, not just the military dentists and hygienists, even the lady I saw when I was a teenager was mean to me. I always leave feeling like I've just been scolded by the headmistress at some parochial school for smoking weed and starting a fire in the rectory or something (I just like working the word rectory in wherever I can)!

So none of that, in fact it really wasn't as bad as I made it out to be, but there is some psychological trauma involved with having someone poke and prod at my tender gums with that high pitched power tool and feeling entirely helpless about it. Perhaps if I had the tool in my own hands and were doing the work myself it would be more tolerable, but you have to give up, give in and let go!

I'm definitely still learning how to do that!

Apparently I will be learning to do other new things. Rather than scolding me, this time she gave me some tips. Apparently I have a lot of work to do in between visits (there will be two more before this round is over).

Of course, I celebrated the end of this round by stopping off at Krispy Kremes and getting some Teriyaki for lunch.

I'm so bad.

Peace and happy dental hygiene,



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