04 August 2007

par y noya...

Does anyone else get these neurotic inklings that you have said something you shouldn't have and the next time you go to work or hang out with your circle of friends (or whatever), you'll have to face the music so-to-speak?

I get this feeling all the time, generally just after finishing a shift of course. Email makes it worse. While I wouldn't say all of my work email is bad news, generally it is used to "document" your misdeeds. I think that is some crap myself, but not much I can do about it.

So I come home and instead of enjoying my freedom, I suffer my own insanity. I wouldn't say this is a new feeling, but it is more intense after having been fired from a job. I mean I think I used to get this way at my last job but I would shrug it off easier. Then when I lost my job I had to look back and think, man I saw this coming a mile away!

So I am either loony or perhaps I should be more aggressive in planning a career move.




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