06 July 2009

searching for a new theme...

Well, what else would I do on a major holiday with a full week off but move across town? Not only that, but if I'm going down, I take everyone else with me (seriously, a huge thanks to everyone who helped!). I'm cannot be entirely certain, but I could have easily worked off 15 pounds in the process. Still, I'm all tucked in and the old place is no more. Poof! It is almost as if I were never there. I was driving one a final load home last night and a certain song came on that almost made me nostalgic about leaving the cream-box-with-a-view behind, but I'm sure it wasn't the apartment I was thinking about anyway.

So many things happen all at once when you move. Of course you have to deal with boxes you never unpacked from the last move. Some of those went to the goodwill, or dumpster as the case may be, but some contained items I still find I can't yet get rid of. I mean, maybe someday I'll have a son I can give those silly old baseball cards to. I at least know otherwise I won't have any use for them personally. "Brian" went to Value Village, along with a rug I almost considered putting to use in my new, larger bathroom and both my own and my former roommates old military clothing. I wonder what the folks cleaning the windows outside Goodwill thought about me throwing away Army AND Navy uniforms. I'm sure it was at least a little odd.

One of the nicer things about moving was being forced to make tough, life changing decisions. I'm talking about the couches people! I had to give up the purple monster. There was just no way to get it through the front door, much less up the 45 stairs. Hopefully my brother has found a home for it by now. Of course that meant I needed to deal with the other couch in storage that I thought was broken. It turns out it wasn't in as bad shape as I thought. The front kick-panel is lose, but hanging on for dear life. I'm not sure anyone will even notice that. Once we completely dismantled it, we were able to move the beast to my new 3rd floor studio. I not only sweated the move itself, but whether or not I'd even get it put back together. So sometime before midnight, I managed to get all the nuts tight and the motor plugged in and I officially have a spare bed (a mildly comfortable one at that) for guests to stay in again! Sure, only a few people have ever used it, but there is always a chance it will get busier around here.

After I finished up Sunday night's unpacking and reorganizing activities, I went downstairs and caught one of the bartender's band play a small show in the back of Paddy's. It wasn't very busy. I could tell they are used to playing for a slightly larger audience, but it was nice. I sat there with a mixture of strangers and casual acquaintances thinking that I am finally starting to make this city home. I also couldn't help wondering if the guy singing most of the songs wasn't the guy who used to play indoor soccer with us in college. I was able to get his first name by memory, but after 2 1/2 hours I couldn't even get a hint of what his last name was. Anyway, It wasn't even close--definitely a different person regardless.

So, here's to the place that already feels more like home than anywhere I've been in years!



Soft Shoulder
Ani DiFranco
To The Teeth