04 January 2007

happy 07 anyone?

First off, sorry I haven't blogged in a while. Been a busy couple of weeks for those of you who know, for those who just sneak in here to read random stuff from strangers, good luck!

So I moved out of my apartment in Vancouver. The only hitch is that I have been too busy to go apartment hunting so I just put it all in storage for now. For those of you who know me, you maybe can imagine how much it killed me to do that. Also because I was moving over New Years weekend the only storage place I could find that would be open that Sunday was not heated.

I will lay this out for you so you see why this is potentially a problem for me. Having my stuff in non-heated storage during the winter months means potentially losing some of my furniture if it draws any moisture and mold/mildew grow on it. I wrapped my mattress in plastic and laid some plastic over my couches but that won't guarantee anything.

All this really means is I will want to hurry up and find a place fast, hopefully by the end of this month. However, I am interested in buying a house sooner or later and moving into an apartment might be the best thing to get my stuff back out of storage but it would mean moving a third time before this is all over. I hate moving and with apartments you tend to have to deal with stairs or tight corners and some of my furniture is big and heavy!!! Not looking forward to moving into an apartment.

So I have an appointment to meet with my real estate agent today. I don't know if now is the best timing for me to try to buy a house here but it seems that I am going to try anyway because it is worth at least trying right?

The thing is that housing prices are kind of high right now and getting the home I'll want to live in for the next 5 years or so might require taking on a roommate for the short term. That isn't a problem except I don't really know anyone who would be interested so I might have use Craigslist to fill the space and we all know what a question mark that can be.

Well, aside from all this mental noise my year is going well so far. I am settling into my "regular" schedule which is highly irregular. Essentially I work every other pair of nights with minor adjustments to make sure I work every other weekend. I have mixed feelings about the schedule though. I guess you can say I inherited it from whoever held it before and they didn't want to work more than 2 in a row, where I would just assume work 7 in a row and have 7 days off in a row. Also I would prefer 10 hour shifts (and they are seriously talking about it) but for now it is what it is.

So tonight is my other night off and I get to do it all over again tomorrow night. I guess I'll have to take my vacation time if I want to go anywhere on my time off. Lucky me I don't really want to go anywhere yet.

Christmas was ok, but I was just trying to sleep all day and suffering the insensitivity of my family who were making lots of racket and trying to bake something in the oven out here. NYE was different. I could have spent it with my brother but I got word that my dad was coming down too so I decided to hang with some friends. I might just as well have gone to a random pub or something since we were just sitting around watching b-movies of the horror subset. Maybe next year I'll have a house and host my own NYE party complete with loud music, crazy food, board games and probably a drinking game or two. Sounds like a hoot, you come?

So otherwise it is another year, nuff said?

Happy o seven folks! As always, Peace,



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